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The pink flamingo

It belongs to one of the more ancent bird family of the world, in fact  it date back to 50 milion years ago. This bird is considered relatives with AIRONI, storks and mallards. The DNA analisys show that group nearer to  Flamingos are storks, ibys, spoonbills and the american vultures. The colour flamingo's feathers is done thanks to  particular organic substances: the carotenoids. This substance  is not make by this bird, but they are present in what  they eat: algae, in little shellfishes (salt artemia and others). in captivity, if the diet haven't algae and shellfishes than it looses this typical colour and it becames white. The pigments are not permanent in time,so feathers which fall during the moulting rapydly loose their typical colour. This bird nest only in large colony in fact, individuals start  the wedding parade only if there are numerous birds of the same species.

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