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The tamericio

It belongs to Tamericacee family which have 60 species of different  plants, many called Tamerice.These plants live wherever it is temperated and the soil is  salt. It can be a shrub or a little tree with "feathery" branches, very  little alternate, sessile and like a scale leaves. Flowers are regular and petals are separated eachother, they are white or pink and  form slim and cilindrical bunches. The fruit is rappresented by a capsule which are "hairy" seeds. One of these species, the  gallica tamerice, is useful to stop dunes in adriatic beach, while others,as chinensis t., are very ornamental plants. Some of these species, after insect sting, produce cells with a lot of tannin, so they are important to commerce of this substance.

Comune di Comacchio

Parco del Delta del fiume  Po

Azienda Valli

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