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 The limonium

The Common Limonium (Limonium vulgare, fam. Plumbaginacee) is  a little plant which is 40 cm. tall. It is very common and you can find it  in salt place: the blue colour of its flowers represents one of the typical colour that you can admired at the end of summer. Its flower is little and it has 5 petals (its diameter is 8 mm. large): its calyx seems paper and they form a corncob. The leaves are elliptic and 12 cm. long . This plant is an halophyte (so it grows fast only when you can find 1-2 % of salt in the soil)  and xerophyte (so it feels well in arid soil) plant.  To defend itselves from salt, this plant absorbs it, but it is able to eliminate it thanks to special cells which are in the trunk and on leaves.Not all Limonium species are common: there are some which are nearly extinction cause the deterioration environment.

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